I really like the quote. Steal like an artist. Like his previous book, Show your work, Austin Kleon debunks a lot of myths about originality and inspires you to steal from your heroes. The main argument of the book is, no idea is original. Everybody is inspired from other sources. Do not steal exact content but steal the thinking behind the art. That way, you will start seeing the way the artist intended to.
It is a short book, which you can finish within the hour max. Lot of good quotes and takeaways. The style is easy and fun to read. Best way to read this is – keep it on your desk. Read a chapter everyday in the morning. You will be inspired.
Key Takeways:
1. Steal not from one but multiple artists. Remix the work. Put your own flair on it. It is the way of the world.
2. Computers are alienating. Our minds love to work their hands with the heads. Keep an analog workstation too if possible where you keep post its, notes, scribbles etc. Will ensure that you create something.
3. Keep a praise file and a swipe file. When you are out of luck or mood, read the praise file. Then use your swipe file to get inspired and create something.
My Rating: ***** (5 out of 5 stars)